Peasant’s Quest [Tinkerer][v3.55]

Peasant's Quest Game Banner


Peasant’s Quest is set in a medieval fantasy world, where you play a farmer’s son on his quest to make a name for himself and perhaps meet a few hot damsels in distress along the way.​


  • Date: 3/Oct/2024
  • Name: Peasant’s Quest
  • Version: v3.55
  • Incest Content: Father-Daughter, Half Brother-Sister
  • Dev: Tinkerer
  • Mod: Jong Games
  • Android: Discord Iconthe66
3/Oct/2024 – Updated to v3.55


  • Refurbished an existing scene for Victoria with new animations and images, it now also has a pregnant version. It can be triggered when she is about to go to bed (see walkthrough file in game folder for more info).
  • Added scenes for two more characters for LOCO’s sexbench
  • Added a completely new crafting menu for potions, perfumes, food, etc. You should now be able to easily batch create items.
  • Minor bugfixes and other changes.
9/Sept/2024 – Updated to v3.51


  • 5 New quests
  • 1 New character (Naamah)
  • More story for Erevi, Qetesh, Alice
  • 6 New scenes (1 Erevi, 2 Alice, 1 Qetesh and 2 for the new character).
  • 3 New maps/floor plans
  • New enemies (void lurkers, ancient guards)
  • New sex toy for the dungeon (although only available for Erevi at the moment).
  • Two new items, a bedroll and Trapped Souls. Bedrolls can be used to sleep on, only the alley and Naamah’s palace are supported for now. Trapped souls are the equivalent to pastries for Naamah.
  • A bunch of bugfixes
24/Jun/2024 – Added Patch and Mod On PC + Android Notes


  • Refurbished existing images/scenes
  • New scenes and animations for Beth.
  • One additional new scene for Caleah
  • 4 new quests for Beth, plus an additional old quest added to the quest log
  • New floorplans for buildings
  • Automated seed collection
  • Tavern building opened up in Greyport, so you can spend the night
  • Thugs will now roam the alleys of Greyport during the night (vampire snacks)
  • Beth can now have up to 6 named children, plus an unlimited number of unnamed/unsprited children).
  • Bugfixes and minor improvements.
14/Jun/2024 – Updated to v3.41
13/Mar/2024 – Updated to v3.31

– 4 new quests related to Birgitte
– 6 new scenes for Birgitte, two of which can also be performed with Frida or Hilde
– Birgitte can have up to 6 nameable children and an unlimited number of nameless (and spriteless) kids
– Mia’s children can now be hired to collect resources (wood, red mushrooms, stone shrooms and blue lilies).
– 1 new clothing item for sale in Edgar’s shop
– Madam Daiyu now sells “Chests of The Ancients”. Magically linked storage chests.
– New craftable item (Sun Lotion).
– Increased affection deterioration grace periode to 15 days
– Makith (goblin shaman) now sells musk glands
– some other minor changes/additions and a whole lot of bugfixes
– probably some new bugs.

– New floorplans for Edgar’s shop, Marcus’ shop and Frida’s house. I exchanged the standard RPG Maker mapping with parallax maps for better movement and to bring them inline with the rest of the maps.
– Changed affection deterioration for females. Increased the grace period before affection loss to 10 days for now (I know most voted for 15 days, but I want to test 10 days first). Obeah now only loses 3 points per day instead of 5, after the first time she runs away.
– Changed cheatmode. Instead of random chests with loot here and there, there is now a central location with chests with certain useful potions/items. These will replenish everyday. Some will remain empty until you have unlocked the items via the quests. Good luck finding the new cheat activation (it’s still on the same map).
– Some additional minor changes and fixes.

– 6 new quests
– 2 new maps + floor plan
– New scenes for Frida and Hilde
– Hilde can now have children (max 6 named children, excess children don’t receive sprites or names)
– Frida can now give birth to more than 6 children (but only 6 nameable, same as Hilde).
– New armor/equipment (cloak) + new resources (feathers, deer carcass, antlers)
– New NPC (Birgitte), only partial nudity thus far.
– Some bugfixes and minor changes I no longer recall

11/September/2023 – First Upload v3.15


Fantasy RPG game, very old(6+ Years) and ongoing. Incest is not the main content tho it is not minimal either. Has quite a lot of kinks, including a few NTR(debatable) scenes, mostly optional.

Content: 7500+ Images, ~439 Animations Total for v3.15


Full RPGM with combat, quests, equipment, inventory. Expect grind.



Android Info

Touch Screen Useage

  • the <esc> key and therefore opening the game menu is emulated with tapping with 2 fingers on the screen.
  • you can also toggle the textbox with a two-finger-tap™.
  • to open the message back-log use either the game menu entry or swipe left during dialogue/choice/input.
    with swiping up/down you can scroll the log page wise.
    you close the log by swiping right.

Minimum system requirements: Android 8.0

Walkthroughs are accessible from within the game menu.
Don’t forget to turn on the autosave feature.

For those with problems to use older saves:
create a folder save within RPGMaker/ for Android 11 and newer or to Android/data/ for older devices and move all your save data there.
be advised, save slot 1 (now ‘Autosave’) will be overwritten when the autosave feature is enabled.

have fun and please report problems (you can reach me here)<the66 discord.

Patch & Mod Info

Simply interact with the blue orb in the centre of town to open the cheat menu or to be transported to the gallery.

  • Currently over 200 repayable scenes
  • Cheat menu for Gold, XP, restoring health/fatigue, potions and turning off affection degrading

Both I-patch and Gnome already included in PC versions.

Peasant’s Quest v3.55

windows iconWindows/Joiplay logoJoiplay + Patch and Mod:

windows iconWindows/Joiplay logoJoiplay(Compressed 85Q) + Patch and Mod:

Apk iconAndroid(Has Decensor):

Saves(thwartme@f95) Around v2.0~:

Walkthrough (Pdfs):

They are now included in game folder.


Last Updated on October 3, 2024

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is there a walkthrough for this, this is one of those grindy games that are worth it


thanks i see them now



Gnome Mod

Due to the (shitty) patreon rules, some content from the original game has been deleted.

If you want the Full Version of the game (in addition to the decensor patch), I suggest the “Gnome Mod” Mod, which you can find at this address:

I also suggest adding the term “patched” (in addition to the term, decensored) to the title of the game, so that it is understood that this is the only version on the web that is truly 100% complete with all the contents therein present since its original form.

Gnome Mod

Post Scriptum:

Specifically, this mod is indicated for the version of the game, that is not compressed. (the files are in the RPGMVP encrypted extension, and not in the PNG extension)

So, at the moment it will give
errors if you try to integrate it into the compressed version of the game.


how to download the file to game on pc?

Gnome Mod

Update on version 3.51.

In this latest update, many animations (still present in version 3.41, after all) from the originals have been cut (now the viewing options in the different sex scenes are reduced to a single option, and no longer to the two or three angled scenes and in different perspectives).

As if that were not enough, many “extra” animated sex scenes (I am referring to those from the additional patches) have also been eliminated in favor of still images.

So, the best advice is to try to integrate the content of version 3.41, to the (disgustingly cut) content of version 3.51.

ps: what is happening to certain developers? Are they going crazy?

Gnome Mod

I’m adding an additional link (in addition to the previous mod), which adds additional cut content (animations):

Last edited 6 months ago by Gnome Mod
Gnome Mod

The game has been updated to version 3.55.

This is the link for the updated spicy mod v1.1:

The spicy mod v1.1, is intended as an update of the latest version of the game to 3.55.

Gnome Mod

In fairness to the readers of this site;

– The first Mega link I posted in the previous post refers to version 1.0 of the spicy-mod.

Version 1.0 is to be considered, along with gnome-mod 1.0, as completing version 3.51 (the therefore Full and Original version of the game)

The updated version of the spicy-mod to 1.1 then, is to be considered instead as completion to the ‘last updated version of the game, version 3.55.

The current version of the game is currently version 3.51 (pending update by the Admin of this site)

I specified this, to avoid confusion in patching the versions of the game, by those who might read between the comments.

Thank you.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gnome Mod
Gnome Mod

A suggestion to the Admin of this site.

Give the ability to be able to edit and/or delete anonymous posts, even after time has passed.

This way of operating, would not only keep the site cleaner, but would also give the ‘opportunity not to have to go through every “holy” time, for the mandatory requests to the Admin of the specific site and / or blog, for a simple act such as to edit and delete.

In my specific case, for example, if I wanted to delete the post I just wrote, I could no longer do so.

The annoying thing would be the mere thought of knowing that, even after my “physical death” from this world, what I wrote would remain imprinted on the site/blog and for as long as the ‘existence of the site itself, which in fact, puts so-called “privacy” in the; toilet (excuse my frankness).

(Or at least until the same site/blog closes due to lack of funds or neglect).

So, the request seems very simple and logical.

Postscript: editing in the allotted 5-10 minutes does NOT work.

The site, as it stands, is VERY slow to accept written posts, as well as giving no way to edit the results. (Which I have been able to ascertain personally and on several occasions)

Thank you.

Gnome Mod

I would have a possible solution, equally simple and elegant for both the site and for users who wish to post and/or edit their posts freely, without the need for outside intervention and/or the ‘Site Admin.
The solution would actually be easy and achievable in very little time.
It is essentially a matter of adding one more line, in addition to the current ones: Nick, Mail, Organization, etc.

The ‘additional row is the password.

Let me explain further with a simple example;

Nick: Gnome Mod
Mail: (optional) [email protected]
Password: Gnome Mod

The two main and important lines would then be the Nick (with which I want to write and post the ‘opinion) and the Password (Tied then to the Nick that I will use to write and post the ‘opinion).
In case in the future I decide I want to edit or delete the posted message then, it would be enough for me to have in the comment box, a small button (the little wheel that is used to edit in the first 5-10 minutes, for example) always in evidence on which and with which to access the Password line.
Then by entering the password (which has been previously set for the specific nick or any other nick) you automatically access the options to edit and delete the post.
The method in my opinion is very smooth and fast, does not require any special skills and/or use of resources, and leaves intact the privacy and freedom to post without any special obligations for the Admin and the User in general.

Thank you.


Hola bro no encuentro el orbe azul: [


Mod is not working


El mod no me funciona y no veo ningún tutorial


Bro, the game is already complete with all existing patches.

Instructions in OP.


where is the blue orb ?


May I know where’s the blue orb? I’m using the APK version. Thanks for the help!


i need Chinese

Gnome Mod

The game has just been updated to version v3.61

As a result, the two MODs (spicyMOD and gnomeMOD) have also been updated to version v3.61

There is also the bugfix (hotfix) for version v3.61

Thank you.


Separate “I-patch and Gnome” for PC please.


Does the hack work on Android if so how do I turn it I do not see a blue orb in the middle of the village

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