The game revolves around the Robertson family and their complicated lives, filled with passion, deceit and misunderstandings. As a young college student, the protagonist is consumed by his desire and indulges in various vices, leading him into a world of teenage confusion. Along the way, he encounters a plethora of intriguing characters, (including hot chicks, where without it), and must navigate through challenging scenarios while making tough decisions. Where will the Family Affair take you personally?
- Date: 12/Jul/2024
- Name: Family Affair
- Version: v0.121
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister, Optional gay
- Dev: PandaLoverGames
- Android: 1&2 official, 3 from here
12/Jul/2024 – Updated to v0.121
Once again switched backed to my version for week 3 to add patch… will keep it that way from now on.
Day 27 v0.121fix
The new update will tell us an updated story of Eva and some new characters.
Attention, Only girls with dicks content.\
Fix1:Fixed the transition from the previous update to the new one. Added scenes from the current update to the character gallery.
4/April/2024 – Updated to v0.120
Day 27 v0.120fix
The new update will let you get a deeper (hehe) insight into the story of our all-time favorite Emma!
And for our fans of dominant sausage girls, the story of Natasha and her new friends!
25/December/2023 – Updated tov0.119Syd
Day 26. v0.119Syd
A new chapter of Max’s story from Family Affairs has been released!
A short story dedicated to Syd and some interesting stories from Max’s past!
Everything you love!
Attention, the update contains only Trans content!
325 new pictures are waiting for you!
Day 25. v0.118fix
Fresh and hot update on the MC’s adventure!
What’s in store for him? Hot moms and sisters? Of course! Other girls with vaginas? Definitely. Girls with more than vaginas? Absolutely! The beginning of a new, alternate plot branch where the MC finds a job to his liking and finally moves out of his mom’s apartment? Maybe.
616 new pictures are waiting for you!
9/October/2023 – Updated to v0.118
Day 25. v0.118fix
Fresh and hot update on the MC’s adventure!
What’s in store for him? Hot moms and sisters? Of course! Other girls with vaginas? Definitely. Girls with more than vaginas? Absolutely! The beginning of a new, alternate plot branch where the MC finds a job to his liking and finally moves out of his mom’s apartment? Maybe.
616 new pictures are waiting for you!
17/June/2023 – Updated to 0.117Fixed
- Fix – Fixed bug with the exit to the menu after the end of Eva’s story, minor fixes
- 332 fresh pictures
- As I promised a little update in April(Well, almost) about Eva and Natasha’s first meet!
Good game. Has optional gay route with characters outside family. There is massive amount of content with the Mom, sisters route is still very wip and is lesser than moms as of now.
Straightforward VN mode.
Windows/Linux/Mac + Incest:
Android + Incest :
Windows/Linux+ Incest:
Android+ Incest:
Windows/Linux+ Incest:
Android+ Incest:
Last Updated on July 12, 2024
“trans, futa, fags” warning. Avoid this trash
Yep, gay is optional, but what about futa?
it seems the week1 archive is corrupt, you can unpack the game but won’t load. week 2 and 3 are fine apparently
Mc fucks his mom right?
Yeah dude. Is there an alternate one which works?
eh something is wrong with the workupload link for week 3 for pc if i press on download i get 1.50 GB?I checked on another forum/site the orginal week 3 is around 1,275gb with out compression