In Price Of Power, you take on the role of a young man called Michael, residing in a quaint village bordering the outskirts of a Medieval-era world. Unexpectedly, Michael is drawn into an extraordinary journey alongside his childhood best friend, Maria, embarking on a series of breathtaking adventures filled with heartwarming romance and epic encounters. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!
- Date: 31/August/2023
- Name: Price of Power
- Version: Ch. 18
- Important Tags: Ultra Vanilla
- Dev: Pandaman Games
- Android: Official
31/August/2023 – Updated to Ch.18
- Various spelling/grammar fixes
- Big romance plot progression
- One shared lewd scene
- One Maria-path lewd scene, one throuple/harem path lewd scene
- Important character developments
- Two Steam achievements
3/July/2023- First Upload- Chapter 17
- Major, major plot progression
- Important plot choice
- Important character developments
- Two Steam achievements
Great game if you like wholesome vanilla stuff with good writing.
Content: 5500+ Images, ~52 Videos Total for Ch.18.
Price Of Power Chapter 18
Windows/Linux/Mac(Compressed 85Q):
Last Updated on August 31, 2023
No update anymore for this game?
Please update this game, its on Chapter 22 now, thanks in advance