Parasite Black [Damned Studios] [v0.153]

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Parasite Black is an adult RPG sandbox game with a dark fantasy theme. It features turn-based combat and VN style sandbox exploration, all set in the world of Mirnos, which is under attack by the dangerous Demorai race. Players will take on the role of a character born in the Kingdom of Alderay and tasked with a deadly mission. However, instead of dying, the character is granted a mysterious power that could help turn the tide of war against the Demorai and save the realm.


  • Date: 26/Jan/2024
  • Name: Parasite Black
  • Version: v0.153
  • Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister
  • Dev: Damned Studios
  • Android: Incg
26/Jan/2024 – Updated to v0.153

Well guys, it’s finally here!
A couple things:
-The travel maps mechanic is the last major feature/mechanic to be integrated into the game. From here on out, we’ll just be adding depth to ALL of existing systems and improving on them, such as combat, enemy AI, etc.
-The next focus now, is on (finally) the Mages of Palam quest(s) and wrapping up Captain Nyx for Act 1, before moving on towards finally wrapping up Act 1’s main quests and leaping ahead with the story (with Regina content). We’ve already made a start gathering assets and things already~
-Apologies for the lack of communication on this one, we’ll try get back to our more regular news updates shortly.

As usual, thank you all for your amazing amount of support helping to bring this project alive,
you guys are awesome!
-The Damned Studios Team

0.153 Changelog:
New stuff:
– Added a traveling system: getting to remote locations has never been this exciting
– Added a travelling merchant you can encounter on your travels (and have fun with)
– New holiday event (with two sexy scenes)
– An assortment of items related to the holiday event
– Adara’s place can be visited (after the holiday event) – Adara can now be “properly romanced” (after the holiday event)
– Three new music themes for the holiday event & travels
– Couple new cinematic sounds
– Already-clicked choice options are now slightly greyed-out
– Fixed a small display error in prologue
– Fixed pregnant characters spamming birth and behaving weirdly in general
Books now won’t crash due to splitting text tags no more
– Fixed a bug with Thea not appearing on quickstart romance option
– Some other smaller fixes

20/December/2023 – Updated to v0.152

26/July/2023 – Updated to v0.149
  • new quest: The Slavemaster. Involves captain Nyx and is unlocked after The Bloodhound quest.
  • new sexy scene w/Captain Nyx, happens during The Slavemaster quest.
  • 5 adventure guild quests, 4 of which are repeatable.
  • two new sexy scenes happening in one of the adventure guild quests. (Please note, the catgirl/catboy rotate weekly during the ‘price of life’ quest.
  • new enemies, cgs, backgrounds as parts of the Adventure Guild quests.
  • Thea romance content including sexy scenes, unlocked by advancing your Adventurer Guild rank.
  • new regina sexy scene, happens after the Dazzling Tail quest.
  • new Elena sexy scene, happens later into her romance.
  • Myu can now be impregnated. Alt sex scenes are added, as well as some narrative. – new celeste sprite.
  • new celeste returning to the city artwork.
Smaller changes/fixes:
  • numerous smaller fixes to old quests, such as transitions, dialogue, char positions and more.
  • healing items can be used in story mode. Only one place where this is relevant as of now.
  • books are now items you can carry around and use to read.
  • WASD keys can now be used to navigate most of the locations in the game. S leaves most of the city’ buildings. (we’ll have help screen eventually listing all the hotkeys, promise).
  • you’re now notified if you’ve succeeded or failed a skill check (or, charm check as of now). – retreat from battle added to demorai hunt & balun exploration.
  • Elena facial expressions no longer clipping’ around.
  • you can now use potions in combat with numpad keys.
  • saves can now be named. you can toggle this option on/off in prefs menu.
  • double-click-to-proceed is gone for good.
  • error screen changed to account for the game’s early stages of development. – combat log can be toggled on and off permanently.
14/May/2023- First Upload v0.148
  • removed a 9-page limit on saves
  • added a load button to the save screen
  • new hospital background
  • new novaras smithy background
  • new arlena bedroom background
  • new nijah prologue missionary anims
  • new kiara prologue cowgirl anims & narrative
  • new kiara prologue bj anim
  • ridiculous amount of typos fixed (hats off to Ivann for the majority of these, AGAIN)
  • new inventory system
  • inventory & battle item tooltips
  • in battle, every char now has a unique item belt
  • container system (just mc’s chest at home atm)
  • skill & status effect tooltips in battle
  • battle now has a text-based log
  • in battle, if there’s only 1 player side character, auto-selection happens – fixed adara double-blushing occasionally


Game is in early phase, old saves don’t usually work between updates and early content changes/updates sometimes. But you can start from Act 1. Even then, it looks like prologue has new content since last time I played. So it is best to check what is updated and start a new game if early content has changed.

It is blueballs.

Nice art, relatively unique story.


Sandbox with combat, not really grindy and it has built-in Cheats.

Cheat Codes – in Options
  • v0.153
    • Enable Cheats: allsfairinloveandwar
    • Gallery Unlock: wehavesuchsightstoshowyou
    • Lock Gallery: curiositykilledthecat
  • v0.149
    • Enable Cheats: allyourbasesbelongtous
    • Gallery Unlock: cinderella
    • Lock Gallery: seenoevil
  • v0.148
    • spidermonkey


Parasite Black v0.153 + Incest Patch

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Last Updated on January 26, 2024

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I can’t see the Gallery, after the code is says unlocked but gallery option can’t be seen

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