Desire of Fate [KKpotato] [Ep.3 Version 1]

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The nation is facing turmoil, fractured and recovering from a long-drawn civil war that claimed innumerable lives, and left you orphaned 21 years ago. You’ve led a modest life, growing up in a remote area and later residing in the shady slums of the metropolis, struggling to establish a future for yourself. You’re not ambitious, but fate appears to have grander plans for you. As the rich and powerful endeavor to reinstate order and appoint a new supreme leader, your life takes unforeseen and extraordinary turns, placing you in the center of a perilous power struggle. Despite the odds, a destitute orphan from the slums may emerge as the most influential figure in the country.

This game contains a few dark elements. Having relationships with 5 main female characters is an integral part of the game, and one of them has previously had a lesbian experience. If this is not your thing then this game is not for you.


  • Date: 19/Feb/2024
  • Name: Desire of Fate
  • Version: Episode 3 Version 1
  • Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister
  • Dev: KKPotato
  • Android: Incg
19/Feb/2024 – Updated to Ep3 V1
  • Almost 650 new static images
  • 14 new animations
  • This update mostly focuses on the story. But still includes 3 sex scenes (Lilith, Lily, Vella)
27/October/2023 – Updated to Ep2 Version 2 Final
  • Some missing images were added and replaced
  • Some character profiles were added
  • Sounds in sex scenes were added
  • There is a small new scene at the start of the club part and at the end of the episode
  • Minigames
  • Some animations were redone and animations during Minigames were added
21/September/2023 – Updated to Ep2 Version 2 Beta

A few scenes that I redid based on beta feedback aren’t included in the version. The sex sounds in the animations, a mini-game, and a few minor scenes along with character profile updates are yet to be added.

  • 60,000+ words.
  • 700+ images.
  • 30+ animations.
  • 4 sex scenes with 2 variations.
11/April/2023 – First Upload, Ep2 Version 1


Very, very promising. I have not played it yet since I’m waiting for no-blueballs(Dev says 1 more updates). There might be sister content now, but no fucking with the mom yet.


VN Mode, No grind. It has some choice point mechanics, but it should be a breeze with Easy Mode.


Desire of Fate Ep.3 Version 1 + Incest + Walkthrough/Unlocks Mod

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Last Updated on February 18, 2024

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