Culture Shock revolves around our main character who, upon finishing high school, is on the lookout for a college to attend. Leading a rather uneventful life as an ordinary guy, everything takes a dramatic turn when he receives a mysterious phone call from his aunt. Against his family’s wishes, they uproot from a dull little town in Virginia and make a bold move to the bustling city of Honolulu.
To his amazement, he soon discovers that his new abode is a captivating paradise surpassing all his wildest dreams. However, he quickly realizes that adapting to this exuberant lifestyle won’t come without its challenges. In order to truly immerse himself in the wonders of this new life, our protagonist must let go of his old self and fully embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.
- Date: 27/Jul/2024
- Name: Culture Shock
- Version: Chapter 3 – v0.1
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister, Aunt-Nephew
- Dev: King Of Lust
- Incest Patch: gigan
- Android: incg
27/Jul/2024 – Updated to Chapter 3 – 0.1
Chapter 3 v0.1
850+ renders with 60+ animations
day36 and day37 for both routes
Chapter 3 v0.1 Alpha
840+ new images
40 new animations
day34 like ntr added and day35 beta both route and day35 alpha route
12/July/2023- First Upload, Ch.2 v1.0
- Around 1200+ new renders
- event with Miss xiyan
- event with Miss Felinaz
- Beach event
- First actual Hscenes with sunny and tracy in Alpha route
- 60+ animations
- day33 and day34
Looks pretty good. Game has NTR. It has non-NTR route (Alpha&Beta) but expect to see side characters get fucked by others.
Content: 12000+ Images, ~251 Animations total for Chapter 2 v1.0
VN mode. Has built-in walkthrough, points system and xray-like mode
Unlock Codes:
- Six sense : 867564
- Gallery : 425466
Culture Shock Chapter 3 – v0.1 + WT/Cheat Mod
Windows/Linux/Mac(Compressed 85Q):
No patch for 3, so it has become “step”.
Culture Shock Chapter 2 v1.0 + Incest Patch
Windows/Linux/Mac(Compressed 85Q):
Last Updated on July 27, 2024
Code for extra scenes?
Sofia: 464349 (same code for all the scenes)
Tracy: 796959
There’s always a script error.
Like this one below.
Idk what’s wrong.
I’m sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
File “game/00iconbutton.rpy”, line 42: expected a keyword argument or child statement.
0 icon style “iconbutton_icon” properties icon_properties
what does it means? ofc the problem is from joiplay.